Monday 6 January 2014

Home Learning Centre

After reading up plentiful of blogs and websites on home schooling especily focusing in preschooling, the urge for me to set my own learning corner was exploding that i cant wait to buy these and those and that n many many more!!!
But somehow i came to think that we don't have to spend so much. We just have to look around and find out what can be done. And so i did!!!!

From the website, my passion was driven terribly to develop my learning corner. I know i cant follow everything but at least, i may take the ideas and create in my own way.
And so i cleaned and brought out my old chest of drawers. And i started to label out with old stickers that i had before. Although the items and learning materials are not all complete but at least i can still get started.

Drawer first from top was labeled with a shirt sticker. This is our Language cards and items. Noticed that i have prepared my pink, blue n green boxes for my Six preparation to standard one.

Next, second drawer from top was labeled with a star sticker. This is our hands-on materials.

Next, our third from top drawer is our stationeries and art & crafts items. It is labeled with a butterfly sticker. My Six knows where to find his stuffs.

Finally, our last drawer is our Sensorial and Mathematics storage. There are balls, toy cars, marbles, toy fishes and numbers. We labeled this drawer with a flower sticker.

Well, although it doesnt look as perfect as the westerns did wih their home schooling programmes, i dont really mind coz i did it with what i could afford and the main important things is the implementations and activities are almost similar. Alhamdulillah :)

Stay tuned for more ;)

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